Weekly Schedule (subject to change)
Week 1 | M 01/28/2019 | Course introductions |
W 01/30/2019 | Resumes and Cover Letters
DUE: Locate and print at least 2 internship or job ads you will be qualified for upon graduation; Look over the sources on Resumes and Cover Letters on the course website |
Week 2 | M 02/04/2019 | Peer Review
DUE: Resume and Cover Letter Draft 1, Bring 3 copies to class |
W 02/06/2019 | DUE: Resume and Cover Letter Final Draft
Introduction to Interviews |
Week 3 | M 02/11/2019 | Bring 12 questions for interviewee and letter of introduction |
W 02/13/2019 | Discuss interviews
Portfolio Workshop |
Week 4 | M 02/18/2019 | NO CLASS
W 02/20/2019 | First draft of interview
Peer Review
Week 5 | M 02/25/2019 | Final draft of Interview
Writing for a General Audience: Annotated Bibliographies |
W 02/27/2019 | General Audience: Incorporating Sources | |
Week 6 | M 03/04/2019 | General Audience: Peer Review
DUE: Article Draft 1, Bring three copies to class |
W 03/06/2019 | Continue talking about opeds | |
Week 7 | M 03/11/2019 | General Audience Conclusion/Arts Review Introduction
Due: Final draft of oped |
W 03/13/2019 | Arts Review
DUE: Read review examples Bring in suggestions for your review |
Week 8 | M 03/18/2019 | Reviews |
W 03/20/2019 | Arts Review: Peer Review
DUE: Review Draft 1 |
Week 9 | M 03/25/2019 | Follow up on peer reviews and examples
Portfolio Workshop |
W 03/27/2019 | Introduction to Grant Section | |
Week 10
M 04/01/2019 | DUE: Book or Art Review Final
Grants: Introduction and Problem Statement Create Groups- Brainstorm Ideas, GANNT Chart Read Grant Proposals |
W 04/03/2019 | Grants: Budgets and S.M.A.R.T. Goals
DUE: Completed GANNT Chart, Problem Statement (Feeder), Find 1 Prospective Grant per person Grants: Project Narratives and Incorporating Sources DUE: Find 1 unique source per person, bring to class |
Week 11 | M 04/08/2019 | Grant Projects |
W 04/10/2019 | Grant Projects | |
Week 12 | M 04/15/2019 | Grants: Peer Review
DUE: Project Narrative Rough Draft; Budget
W 04/17/2019 | Grants: TBA | |
Week 13 | M 04/22/2019 | **SPRING RECESS** no class |
W 04/24/2019 | **SPRING RECESS** no class | |
Week 14 | M 04/29/2019 | Grants: Presenting Your Grant Proposal
DUE: Read PowerPoint is Evil |
W 05/03/2019 | Grants: Presentation Workshop
DUE: Memo #2 Group Evaluation DUE: Project Narrative Final Draft |
Week 15 | M 05/06/2019 | Introduce Final Portfolio
Grant Presentations |
W 05/08/2019 | Grant Presentations | |
Week 16 | M 05/13/2019 | FINAL CLASS Writing Reflections/ Any final grant presentations/ Final Portfolio Workshop |